I just added a Meebo Me widget to this blog. Meebo is a great web IM service that allows me to sign in to multiple messaging services and manage them with one buddy list. I can chat with folks through a web browser, eliminating the need to run another app (I always have a browser open) and avoiding the firewall issues that plague typical IM clients.
They also enable you to create an embeddable chat widget that will not only let you know I'm online, but also allow you to send me an anonymous IM whenever I'm around. This could be very cool or very annoying- I'll post a followup when I decide which it is.
In any case, this is a glimmer of a Web where Presence is a embedded in every online experience- your presence, my presence, and the presence of every visitor to every site, in one way or another. There are interesting vectors in this space that are only beginning to indicate convergence... in a later post I'll describe one of those possible convergent futures. For now, I've got to go chat with someone claiming to be my dog....
i just copied you. it will be an interesting experiment indeed.
Nice. I have a widget now, too!
Check out Wink.com sometime.
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